Darkness The Mist

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Darkness The Mist
2013-09-24 02:47:19


The sky clear blue, without blemishes.
Light, pleasant wind spins on the ground.
Tourist us with their hands.
Green shines in the sunlight.
It is beautiful. A beautiful day.
But ...
Bad character appeared.
It .. impossible. Why?
Something spoil this beautiful day.
Birds flying low, too low. What is it?
They fly, glide, through the air.
A lot of them. Ravens. Black eyes like Satan. As death.
Clouds. Black. Black clouds to hell!
I cant see anything, there is no sunlight. Dark as in the ass!
Some creatures .. stab the windows, doors, unless one went ..
Destruction of the world.
Ravens feed on our souls. He is the only black emptiness us.
I can see her.
Death, death, death, death, death.
Now is the time.
Darkness came over me.
I hear a strange noise. Strange things I see!
But only I see it.

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