Darkness The Mist

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Darkness The Mist
2013-11-07 18:20:18

Revelation of death.

I'm losing consciousness, the soul has lost his body.
Foreign forces me to take it. They eat it.
My fear, sadness. I dont know if I can.
I see lost souls, creatures who look at me hungry eye.
Places that cant exist.
My consciousness escapes, he loses his body.
I think I'm crazy. My heart wants to explode.
I dont want to leave.
They arrived one knows why.
Looking for help, either bring destruction.
Walking in the dark I see hell. There is no specific roads, buildings.
Only nothingness, black clouds hover above the surface.
And the people around me. No. Something.
They follow me, feel me, my soul.
I am not crazy.
I can see more, and they see me.

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