Darkness The Mist

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Darkness The Mist
2014-01-18 23:06:56


Close your eyes, relax. Close your mind.

Because the only way we can listen. Ecclesiastical nonsense.
"In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who ..."
In the name of our Lord?
We are the masters themselves. Lords.
We don't care what he did, a man in a vision stoned guy.

Now, calm down.

He's not. Let them believe, but let us not force.
We don't need additional classes on Sunday.
Let us believe in what we want.
And if not, then ..


Only I fear is a life of solitude.
Thanks to the moon. Somehow I can survive.
And as it disappears behind dark clouds, I know that always is and will be.
I will always look at me favorably eyes.
Even when the time comes.

Close your mind.

Okay. It does not matter.

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